What is SQL?


Structured Query Language, commonly abbreviated as SQL, is a domain-specific programming language used to store, process, and retrieve data in a DBMS (Relational Database Management System).

It is mainly used to manage structured data when we have a relationship between different entities and data variables.

SQL consists of statements of various types to query or process data stored in databases.

This type of statement is further categorized as shown below:

DDL (Data Definition Language): These are Queries that are used to create and modify a schema. Common DDL commands in SQL include CREATE, ALTER, and DROP.
DML (data manipulation language): This query is used to perform select, insert, update, and delete operations on the database. Common DML commands in SQL are SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.
DCL (data control language): These queries are used to control access and grant permission to a database. Common DCL commands in SQL are GRANT and REVOKE.
TCL (Transaction Control Language): These queries are used to control and manage transactions to maintain data integrity. Common TCL commands in SQL include BEGIN, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK.